Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dynasty Warrior: Gundam 3

Dynasty Warrior: Gundam 3 is not really an RPG. But I figured I'd write about because it's fairly crazy. And hey, the game has upgradable stats and skills so close enough!

Dynasty Warrior Gundam is a very simple game. You choose a super powerful robot and then tear across a battlefield shredding hundreds of robots along the way. That is the entire game. The gimmick is that it takes the main characters and robots of every single Gundam anime (of which there are dozens) and makes them all playable. It would be insane and unnecessary to try and explain why so many different main characters and arch-villains are all hanging out together. But that didn't stop the creators of DW: Gundam 3 from recording half a million lines of dialogue.

The 'plot' is, of course, insane. Something about an inter-dimensional signal that sucked a bunch of Gundams into an artificial universe. The whole thing is everyone just milling around and, uh, befriending each other. It can actually be pretty funny sometimes as disparate characters bitch about and at each other. It helps that many protaganists from Gundam are brain damaged. Then there is the entire 'plotline' that revolves around a slimy politician assembling every single Gundam love interest into a super Charlies Angels group.

But my point is this: somebody wrote a novels worth of dialogue for a robot beat 'em up game with 80+ main characters. There was no one who wanted this, no one who needed it. But those crazy bastards included a plot anyways.

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